Asean Agreement On Customs

September 11th, 2021  |  Published in Uncategorized

(b) at the time of the setting of customs duties by the importing Party with the goods: in order to expedite customs clearance, ASEAN had adopted an action plan for the establishment of the ASEAN Single Window. The parameters for information for customs purposes and, in particular, a common customs declaration document for imports and exports and goods in transit had been standardized. The ASEAN Single Window Steering Committee meets regularly to discuss ways to accelerate the establishment of a single window at the ASEAN regional level. At the same time, efforts were made with regard to the technical aspects of the initiative by the ASEAN Single Window Technical Working Group, while the Legal Working Group on the ASEAN Single Window had fulfilled its mission by signing the Protocol on the Legal Framework for the Implementation of asean Single Window (PLF). For more information on the ASEAN Single Window, please see the following URL: (b) for several goods declared under the same AIFTA Certificate of Origin, a problem with one of the listed products shall not prejudice or delay the granting of preferential tariff treatment and the clearance of the other products listed in this AIST Certificate of Origin. Paragraph 16(a)(iii) may apply to problematic points. RECOGNISING that in customs matters it is necessary to lay the foundations for general rules and procedures ensuring the proper implementation of ASEAN economic agreements and arrangements, in particular the ASEAN Free Trade Area, the ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS), a computerised customs shipment management system, has been established to enable the free movement of goods and facilitate customs clearance formalities from the point of departure to the place of destination through transit. Work on the implementation of the ACTS pilot project between three (3) ASEAN Member States is ongoing.

There are plans to deploy THE ACTS to other ASEAN member states. For more information on the ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS), please see the following url: ASEAN customs administrations play a key role in the creation of the ASEAN Economic Community, in particular in achieving the “free movement of goods” element of the “internal market and production base” defined in the ACS blueprint. The new ASEAN Customs Agreement was signed on 30 March 2012 and marks efforts to streamline and harmonize customs procedures in ASEAN. (vi) the product remains under the customs control of the intermediate party, including its free trade areas and customs territories. The product must not be marketed or consumed within the intermediate part; From a customs point of view, the main objectives of EC-ASEAN relations are the Council`s mandate to enable the exchange of information on customs legislation, control procedures and methods, exchanges of officials, joint training, simplification, harmonisation and intermediation of procedures. In May 1997, the Council authorised the Commission to negotiate, on behalf of the Community, customs cooperation agreements with regard to the ASEAN countries, taking into account the Commission Communication of 1996, which encourages the strengthening of cooperation in key areas of trade and economic development, including customs. .

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