Which Statement Best Describes The Arms Control Agreements Of The Cold War Era

October 16th, 2021  |  Published in Uncategorized

There are several implications for U.S. policy on the new role of arms control in a post-Cold War era. The United States will need to pay more attention to the multilateral dimensions of arms control and pay more attention to the relationship between bilateral and multilateral arms control. It will need to pay more attention to the relationship between arms control and regional policy processes. And the U.S. will need to pay more attention to how arms control relates to other instruments and other U.S. foreign policy objectives. The most significant blow to the European security architecture was Russia`s deployment of the SSC-8/9M729 ground-to-ground cruise missile with a range of 2,500 kilometers a few years ago, in violation of the INF Treaty.40 In 2014, the United States expressed its concerns to Russia about the missile, which, according to Russia, was not in violation of the treaty.41 All NATO members supported the United States. Allegations that Russia violated the treaty.42 After failing to resolve this disagreement with Russia, the United States withdrew from the INF Treaty in August 2019.43 Above all, the modesty of what arms control has achieved is obvious.

Expectations, for better or worse, have largely not been met. However, the ferocity of the debate gives little indication of this modest reality[…] If history reveals anything, it is that arms control has not proved as promising as some had hoped, nor as dangerous as others had feared.4 By curbing missile technology, the next step should be to broaden the acceptance of an export control regime. This may require renegotiation, as the Soviets and Chinese fear they will not be included in the early stages of the development of the current MTCR. But here too, the agreement must be developed within the framework of other instruments, including the collection of intelligence. In his “Atoms for Peace” speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 1953, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower called for the creation of an international atomic energy agency under the auspices of the United Nations.

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